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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Edwards Has Plan to 'Drive Up Cost of Doing Terrorism'

ScrappleFace: Edwards Has Plan to 'Drive Up Cost of Doing Terrorism':
"Edwards Has Plan to 'Drive Up Cost of Doing Terrorism'
(2004-07-06) -- With the war on terror top-most in the minds of American voters, Democrate vice presidential candidate John Edwards today announced his plan to 'drive up the cost of doing terrorism.'
Mr. Edwards, who like Senate colleague John Forbes Kerry supported the presence of American troops in Iraq by opposing funding of that presence, said that as vice president he will ensure that the U.S. government sues every terror group whose faulty ideology results in injury or death." More... - Scott Ott (ScrapleFace)
Scott has one of the best sites for satirical commentary on the web today. I recommend you check out some of his material. Yes, most of it leans right, so be forewarned if you can't handle it. In this article he explains how the VP wannabe John Edwards lays out a plan to drive up the cost of doing terrorism... -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 7/06/2004 10:19:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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