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Thursday, July 01, 2004

Time to Pay the Piper...

My Way News: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A defiant Saddam Hussein rejected charges of war crimes and genocide in a court appearance Thursday, telling a judge in his first public appearance since his arrest: 'This is all theater, the real criminal is Bush.'
Saddam was handcuffed when brought to the court but the shackles were removed for the 30-minute arraignment at Camp Victory, one of his former palaces on the outskirts of Baghdad.
'I am Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq,' Saddam said unprompted, sitting down in a chair facing the judge on the other side of a wooden railing. When asked his name, he repeated it in full: 'Saddam Hussein al-Majid, president of Iraq.'"

-- And one thing more... the Americans will never defeat us, we have them surrounded at the airport ! Just ask my Public Relations and Defense Ministers. They'll tell you! - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 7/01/2004 02:03:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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