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Saturday, July 03, 2004

Sadaam Down on his Luck !

Buddy can you spare a dime ? A bottle of Swiss Up will do just fine, thank you very much ! But I don't have much time.

I have not been getting much sleep lately you see. The hautings keep getting worse and I am tired of explaining myself to those damn Kurds that keep coming after me. When I sit here I can understand, how I royally fucked up the Promised Land. They just didn't get it... and that's too bad. Oops excuse me for a moment while I try to act quite mad. Psst...

The prison guards told me that, if I tell them where the WMD is at, that they will let me be photographed with this tin cup in my hand. I said, "fair deal. "It will sure look like torture to Michael Moore and he'll demand, not just my release but also give me a hand!" Sounded like a plan to me I thought! I sure hope it works ! I don't like getting caught" ~ zzb

by ZZ Staff | 7/03/2004 05:31:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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