DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2004�: "A new documentary claiming to show Republican bias at FOX NEWS will debut in New York City on Monday. But FOX NEWS executives are preparing to hit back hard -- if rivals self-servingly hype the film!
The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that FOX NEWS executives are lining up a parade of employees who formerly worked at CNN & MSNBC and have been downloading information on how editorial decisions are made at these networks, including the agenda for how stories are supposed to be covered.
A senior FOX NEWS executive tells DRUDGE: 'We have enough ammunition to nail both MSNBC & CNN.' Sources say FOX is prepared to go public with these accounts if necessary. " More...
Sounds like we can have an interesting summer if the cable networks start to go at it. According to sources at the Drudge Report former employees from CNN and MSNBC have been spilling their guts about the editorial policies at those networks! And I can assure you they are far from unbiased. - zzb
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