Chriac Sends Minister to Middle East
Chirac Sends FM to Mideast to Win Iraq Hostage Release
<-- Dazed and Confused!
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Jacques Chirac sent his foreign minister to the Middle East on Sunday to try to win freedom for two journalists held in Iraq by by militants demanding France end its ban on Muslim headscarves in schools. One wonders just who will his Foreign Minister be speaking to ? The new gov't of Iraq presumably. It is amazing how the worm has turned in the land of liberal thinking.
The irony of all ironies! Now that two French citizen's are being held hostage under the threat of murder do we see this panty waste of a Western Leader stand up and make a speech calling for national unity against terrorism. What hypocrites ! This is enough to turn one's stomach. Chirac appealed to the kidnappers with an implicit reminder that France opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. But he did not directly respond to their reported demand that the ban on head scarves and other religious apparel be overturned within 48 hours. Let's see if he caves into their demands! Wake Up Europe !! -- zzb

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Jacques Chirac sent his foreign minister to the Middle East on Sunday to try to win freedom for two journalists held in Iraq by by militants demanding France end its ban on Muslim headscarves in schools. One wonders just who will his Foreign Minister be speaking to ? The new gov't of Iraq presumably. It is amazing how the worm has turned in the land of liberal thinking.
"Today, the whole nation is united because the lives of two Frenchmen are at stake," Chirac said in a televised address on Sunday evening.
"Backed up by this national unity, I solemnly call for the release of Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot. Everything is being done and everything will be done in the coming hours and days to achieve this."
Shortly after Chirac laid out France's position, Foreign Minister Michel Barnier flew to Cairo on a Middle East tour meant to tap regional contacts and win the journalists' release. - Reuters
The irony of all ironies! Now that two French citizen's are being held hostage under the threat of murder do we see this panty waste of a Western Leader stand up and make a speech calling for national unity against terrorism. What hypocrites ! This is enough to turn one's stomach. Chirac appealed to the kidnappers with an implicit reminder that France opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. But he did not directly respond to their reported demand that the ban on head scarves and other religious apparel be overturned within 48 hours. Let's see if he caves into their demands! Wake Up Europe !! -- zzb
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