WASHINGTON (AP) - The Democratic Party launched a costly round of ads Friday to buttress John Kerry's credentials to be commander in chief as the White House accused the Massachusetts senator of "losing his cool" over attacks on his war record.
[That's Kerry right above Jane Fonda's head at a anti-government / anti-war rally while soldiers were still being killed and prisoners tortured in Hanoi. Vietnam Vets can't stomach Fonda for her support of the enemy and her actual visits to Hanoi to give her open support to the enemy against our nation and our troops. Kerry probably wishes he was never there and the photographer who shot this picture took it from a different angle! - ed]
"John Kerry is a fighter and he doesn't tolerate lies from others," shot back spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter.
The unusual late-August maneuvering highlighted the closeness of the race for the White House and came as polls offered the first hint that the questioning of Kerry's medal-winning service in the Vietnam War - allegations that he strongly condemned this week as lies - were taking a political toll. More... AP Article
John Kerry is showing signs of emotional pressure from the airing of his anti-war protest activisim which portray him as very anti-Veteran. Many Vietnam Vets are having second thoughts about supporting someone who stood shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Jane Fonda while POWs spent time in miserable conditions in the Hanoi Hilton. His actions back then gave aid and comfort to the enemy to undermine support for the war and our troops.
One poll found that more than half the voters questioned had seen or heard of an ad by Swift Boat Veterans For Truth that accuses Kerry of lying about events that earned him five medals in Vietnam a generation ago. The University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey also found that 44 percent of self-described independent voters found the ad very or somewhat believable. - AP
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accuse Kerry of lying about the severity of his wounds and embellishing his acts of heroism during his four months in Vietnam, claiming he was being fired upon. Charges strongly rejected by the senator from Massachusetts. The ads are powerful and appear to be opening some old wounds with the over 50 generation. Kerry today has decided to TAKE EM TO COURT claiming the ads are unfair and illegal. We shall see... - zzb
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