Iraq militants kill 12 Nepalis-website: "BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A militant Iraqi group says it has killed 12 Nepali hostages and has showed pictures of one being beheaded and others being gunned down in the worst violence against captives since a wave of kidnappings erupted in April. (Photo - Al-Jazeera)
The announcement of the killings, made in a statement posted on an Islamist Web site on Tuesday, came as France intensified its efforts to save two French reporters held hostage in Iraq by a separate militant Islamic group.
The Nepalis were kidnapped earlier this month when they entered Iraq to work as cooks and cleaners for a Jordanian firm. The killing of men from a tiny country that had nothing to do with the invasion or occupation of Iraq will send shockwaves through foreign companies doing business here.
'We have carried out the sentence of God against 12 Nepalis who came from their country to fight the Muslims and to serve the Jews and the Christians...believing in Buddha as their God,' said the statement by the military committee of the Army of Ansar al-Sunna.
The group posted a series of photographs showing the killing as well as a video.
What more evidence does the world need to declare WAR on Islamic extremists?? Just read the statement above. If you don't believe in Allah you are a dead man ! We are dealing with a 'holy war' plain and simple.
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