Aljazeera.Net - Japan confirms identity of corpse: "Tokyo however vowed it would keep its troops in the country on what it calls a reconstruction mission.
An armed group in Iraq had on Wednesday threatened to behead Shosei Koda, 24, within 48 hours if Japan did not withdraw its troops.
'Unfortunately, we have just confirmed that the body is that of Shosei Koda,' Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura said on Sunday.
'The act of terrorism to take the life of a civilian is absolutely vicious and we must not tolerate such acts,' Machimura said.
'Japan, cooperating with the international community, must continue to fight terrorism firmly.'" More...
Does anyone think that this barbarism will disappear if John Kerry is elected ? What will pulling out of Iraq accomplish other than reinforcing in the minds of terrorists that fear and terrorism works? These cowardly fanatical dogs of dogs will sing praises to Allah if Kerry is elected anticipating a quick American withdrawal from the middle east. The majority of Iraqi citizens will be in abject fear of the possible civil war and retribution against all those who supported the new Iraqi government and hopes dashed for a normal stable civilized government. Again... wake up voters! President Bush may not be the sharpest tack in the draw, but at least he is aggressive and will not let our security and our right to preemptively attack those that threaten us be subjected to the will of Foregin nations. This is an election that will shape our future security over perhaps a decade... not a Red Sox Yankee baseball rivalry where at the end of the day you can say... oh well there is always next year ! Choose wisely and think about our sovereign right to defend ourselves and not be manipulated by the likes of a Bin Laden. -- zzb
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