ScrappleFace: VP Debate Ends: Viewers Eager to Learn Who Won: "VP Debate Ends: Viewers Eager to Learn Who Won
(2004-10-05) --The only vice presidential debate of 2004 is now history, and Americans who watched or listened to it are eager to learn which candidate won.
A flash poll conducted moments after the debate showed that most Americans believe they will soon have opinions about how well Vice President Dick Cheney did compared with Sen. John Edwards.
The formation of those opinions could require days of intensive listening to commentators from the major news networks and CBS, and countless hours of reading weblogs or even newspapers.
One typical poll respondent said, 'I watched last week's presidential debate and I thought President Bush won. But I later found out that I was wrong. How embarrassing. Tonight, I thought Dick Cheney did well, but this time I'm going to wait until I find out what I should think before I go shooting my mouth off.'" -
Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
The cycnicism describing how the media believes it can communicate what we think via polls. Flash polls is the new buzz word --- zzb
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