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Sunday, November 14, 2004

Iraqi security forces enter Mosul

Iraqi security forces enter Mosul: "Clashes between anti-US fighters and interim government forces erupted in the centre of Mosul, with the two sides exchanging automatic gunfire and rockets. They were particularly heavy close to the police headquarters in the Zanjali area.

As the clashes intensified, local mosques were heard broadcasting a call to 'resistance against occupation forces'." More...

The local mosques must be filled with ammunition, and escape tunnels. Once the mop up operations are completed we suspect there will be more findings of collaboration between islamic clerics and the insurgents. Reports today indicate some last remaining pockets of resistence in the last 24 hours. Will the Iraqi police force be able to keep it that way or will the U.S. require a division in each major Iraqi city to keep the peace ?

by ZZ Staff | 11/14/2004 03:09:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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