Arafat Fragments to Be Scattered at Final Death
Arafat Burial Plans Done in Time for Final Death: "(2004-11-05) -- After Yassir Arafat's final death, Palestinian officials said today that tradition will determine the location of his final resting place.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has not yet agreed to the funeral plan or location, but Palestinian authorities said they expect no roadblocks since many of their other heroes have had similar ceremonies.
'Chairman Arafat will be placed in a Tel Aviv city bus and driven to a crowded market,' said an unnamed spokesman for the Hamas social services agency. 'There we will conduct the traditional scattering of his fragments. According to protocol, no friends or family will attend this ceremony.'
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan expressed his sympathy to the Palestinian people.
'I have grieved each time Chairman Arafat has died,' said Mr. Annan, 'and I know the last death will be even harder to take than the previous ones. But I'm comforted that he will go to his rest according to the custom of his people.'"- Scott Ott
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