Powell to Resign; Rice Is Seen as Likely Successor
"Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said today that he would resign as soon as a successor was confirmed, and administration officials said that President Bush was expected to nominate Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser and long a confidante of the Bush family.
The likely replacement will be Condi Rice, whose father is as close to a full blown evangelical Christian as they come. Colin Powell has stated he would only server one term amid speculation that the stress on his wife is a factor in his decision to offer his resignation. -- zzb
Mr. Powell's departure is the result of what he described as a longstanding agreement with the president that he would serve only four years as the nation's chief diplomat.
'It has always been my intention that I would serve one term,' Mr. Powell told reporters in a televised briefing from the State Department early this afternoon." More...
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