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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

No Dogs Or God Allowed! - Dave Gibson

In this article Dave Gibson speaks to the growing backlash against any form of religous expression. In fact there is a subtle redefinition of social morality afoot which sees traditional religious beliefs of all types as a social obstacle.
No Dogs Or God Allowed! - Dave Gibson: "Before any of us were born, signs which read 'No Dogs or Indians Allowed' were displayed on buildings throughout this nation's western states. A few decades ago, signs which read 'Whites Only' hung on the walls of businesses throughout the South. The federal government made that kind of discrimination illegal.

However, there is another type of discrimination on the rise in America. Religious bigotry is alive and well, and it is in large measure directed toward Christians. While the bias now being felt by Christian Americans is unjust and damaging (not only to Christians but to the entire country), don't look for the federal government to interject their power on behalf of Christians as they did for blacks." More...
A backlash has begun in this country as a result of 911, and hard left idiology. Years ago a not so well known Vice President, Spiro Agnew, coined the term "silent majority". Well, as this past U.S. presidential election pointed out, that silent majority is not so silent anymore. The political left is beginning to feel the backlash pressure grow as a result of their traditional agenda. The Democratic Party now finds itself backed into a proverbial corner. Do they begin to move more to the political center, risking alienation of their "Real Democratic" base to coin Howard Dean? Or do they continue to polarize their position even further with that "not so Silent Majority"? Especially before the inter-term elections in 2006? We'll soon find out in 2005!

The next two years leading up to the mid-term elections will speak volumes in answering these two basic questions and will set the stage for U.S. politicians to regain solidarity (as after 911) and come closer together again or risk the nation becoming even more polarized. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 12/28/2004 02:13:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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