Review: BlogExplosion -- A New Concept in Link Exchange?
Did you arrived here from BlogExplosion? If you did we would like to know! Could you please take a minute and give us your feedback below for an article in BlogCritics? Also, see the quick poll in the upper right margin of our site! Thanks. - Scott
[Blog Services Review]: Has this happened to you ?
The system is really designed for BLOGGERS and the business model used seeks to capitalize on the frustrations of the many bloggers out there in search of increasing visitors who will comment on their posts. (For good or bad I might add) In fact their model is designed so that the more you surf in their "system", the more credits you accumulate which in turn can be apportioned to any number of sites a blogger may be maintaining. This translates to more exposure of your own site in proportion to the time you invest reading and surfing other blogs in the membership. Sort of a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" philosophy. Pretty sweet. There are similar services out there, but this one seems to be on fire!
The principle behind this service, is a mutual exchange of surfing exposure monitored by a "timer" applet that ensures visitors don't just click and run. The visitor can read the site, rate the site on a crude scale of 1 - 10 based on their own personal preferences, (from It needs work to Great) or as is often the case, comment on the posts if they are interesting. The "timing" feature monitors the visit time with a visible count down of about 30 secs in a uniquely served gif file "surf bar" added to each site impressions. You are not directly on the visitor's site's url but instead are getting an indirect feed via BlogExplosion servers. This happens after registering your site, and after their screening process is completed to ensure your site IS a blog and not a commercial site. The "timer" coaches the surfer if they are surfing too fast interactively! 30 seconds is a long time to just be sitting on a random site, so the tendency is to, rate, comment or at least read. So with that "reward" in the back of your head, visitors are more inclined to comment in order to "pass the time". Psychologically, it is a very interesting experiance if you have not tried it. On causal inspection the comment rate on BlogExplosion sites seems higher than non Blog Explosion sites. The system has become quite appealing to their membership as there seems to be a growing sense of camaraderie, bonding and loyalty that in fact AMPLIFIES the exposure. The model also opens up opportunites to make blog surfing "fun"!
If you are looking for a new way to enhance Blog traffic, and have some fun in the process, you might want to check this out. The jury is still out, but so far we find it an interesting concept in mutual site exposure within the blogging community leveraging a new and interesting approach for folks with some time on their hands :)
The following are examples of the button and banners on the site:
[Blog Services Review]: Has this happened to you ?
You spend all night setting up your very own blog, but in a short time you realize nobody is coming to read it. You jealously watch the biggest blogs out there getting tons of attention but how can your blog get noticed too? - [excerpt: BlogExplosion ]That's the front line tag on the home page at one of the fastest growing blog traffic exposure exchange systems on the web right now, BlogExplosion. Since they are in a high growth phase at the moment, and hot within amateur blogging circles right now, we thought we would take a stab at a short critique. We also have a few sites monitoring the performance of the service's claims for us, and will provide feedback in a upcoming article along with results of our poll here at the ZZ NewsPortal. We are using it ourselves to assess the system's ROI. Return on Investment? Yes, ROI, but it is NOT a financial investment I am referring to. What's intriguing about BlogExplosion's business model is the investment is in your own personal surfing time rather than in your dollars paying for pop ups or banner serving. You CAN however pay for increased visibility time, and they are generating some revenue from other sponsors.
The system is really designed for BLOGGERS and the business model used seeks to capitalize on the frustrations of the many bloggers out there in search of increasing visitors who will comment on their posts. (For good or bad I might add) In fact their model is designed so that the more you surf in their "system", the more credits you accumulate which in turn can be apportioned to any number of sites a blogger may be maintaining. This translates to more exposure of your own site in proportion to the time you invest reading and surfing other blogs in the membership. Sort of a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" philosophy. Pretty sweet. There are similar services out there, but this one seems to be on fire!
The principle behind this service, is a mutual exchange of surfing exposure monitored by a "timer" applet that ensures visitors don't just click and run. The visitor can read the site, rate the site on a crude scale of 1 - 10 based on their own personal preferences, (from It needs work to Great) or as is often the case, comment on the posts if they are interesting. The "timing" feature monitors the visit time with a visible count down of about 30 secs in a uniquely served gif file "surf bar" added to each site impressions. You are not directly on the visitor's site's url but instead are getting an indirect feed via BlogExplosion servers. This happens after registering your site, and after their screening process is completed to ensure your site IS a blog and not a commercial site. The "timer" coaches the surfer if they are surfing too fast interactively! 30 seconds is a long time to just be sitting on a random site, so the tendency is to, rate, comment or at least read. So with that "reward" in the back of your head, visitors are more inclined to comment in order to "pass the time". Psychologically, it is a very interesting experiance if you have not tried it. On causal inspection the comment rate on BlogExplosion sites seems higher than non Blog Explosion sites. The system has become quite appealing to their membership as there seems to be a growing sense of camaraderie, bonding and loyalty that in fact AMPLIFIES the exposure. The model also opens up opportunites to make blog surfing "fun"!
If you are looking for a new way to enhance Blog traffic, and have some fun in the process, you might want to check this out. The jury is still out, but so far we find it an interesting concept in mutual site exposure within the blogging community leveraging a new and interesting approach for folks with some time on their hands :)
The following are examples of the button and banners on the site:

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