Bush Demands That Syria Leave Lebanon - Now!
Speaking at a college in Maryland today the President has vocally challanged Syria to leave Lebanon as he hopes to fan the flames in Beruit and rides the wave of what appears to be a sweeping desire for democracy in the Middle East.
Yahoo! News - Bush Demands That Syria Leave Lebanon: "ARNOLD, Md. - President Bush (news - web sites) on Wednesday demanded in blunt terms that Syria get out of Lebanon, saying the free world is in agreement that Damascus' authority over the political affairs of its neighbor must end now.Maybe folks there have finally had enough of terrorism with the hope that the new "elected" Palestintian government might actually have a shot over developing a "normal" society within Palestine. It is beginning to become clear that all the Muslim on Muslim violence is beginning to taking it's toll on the average decent mainstream middle easteners who want a better life for themselves and their families.
He applauded the strong message sent to Syria when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) and French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier held a joint news conference on London on Tuesday.
'Both of them stood up and said loud and clear to Syria, `You get your troops and your secret services out of Lebanon so that good democracy has a chance to flourish,' Bush said during an appearance at a community college in Maryland to tout his job training programs.
The world, Bush said, 'is speaking with one voice when it comes to making sure that democracy has a chance to flourish in Lebanon.'" More...
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