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Monday, March 07, 2005

Bush: Is He Sirius about Syria?

"(2005-03-06) -- U.S. President George Bush today reiterated his call for Bashar al-Assad to immediately withdraw all of his troops from Lebanon, but reassured a nervous U.N. Security Council that Syria's pull-out will not threaten Howard Stern's satellite radio deal.

'Despite the ongoing SEC investigation into the Stern deal,' said Mr. Bush, 'there is no diplomatic linkage between that and my stern remarks about Syria's treating Lebanon as a satellite state. Let no one misamprehend me (Bushism).'

A White House news release said the president made the clarifying statement because 'apparently Mr. Assad is confused about the meaning of 'immediate total withdrawal,' and we wanted to make sure he understands that President Bush is referring to Syria's serious situation, not the Stern-Sirius situation.'" - S. Ott / ScrappleFace [Satire]
GW can't be Sirius about all of this now can he? He should have enough on his mind with our Iraqi ground forces shooting and killing Italian special agents. We're sure the HBO movie screenplay will not be flattering. Blackhawk Down it ain't. Syriously!

by ZZ Staff | 3/07/2005 12:11:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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