A380 - Super Jumbo Jet - EU Flop or Marvel?
It will remain to be seen which mega aircraft manufacturer is right with their strategies. Boeing questions the demand and market for such a monstrosity.... developing instead the 777 and new Dreamliner... 787... with less disruption to airport infrastructure for accommodation... What's your view ... ? Will France and the EU succeed in it's quest for industrial innovation domination?"The Airbus A380 'superjumbo' touched down in the southern French city of Toulouse at 2:22 p.m. (1222 GMT) Wednesday after a flight of nearly four hours.
Nearly 30,000 spectators watched the double-decker plane take off and land.
The white jet with a blue tail carried six crew members and test equipment. The crew, dressed in bright orange overalls, waved happily when they threw open the door of the plane and descended the steps after landing."Made by European company Airbus, the A380 is set to challenge the Boeing 747's long dominance of the jumbo jet market.
Airbus says dozens of airports are being updated to cope with the huge plane and extra passengers although its American rival Boeing says few are ready now.
The U.S. company also has embarked on a midsize long-range aircraft it is calling the 787 Dreamliner. Boeing is also looking at further modifying its aging 747 to take 450 passengers.
Boeing scored two victories this week in its trans-Atlantic battle with Airbus with announcements of major purchases by Air Canada and Air India.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/04/a380-super-jumbo-jet-eu-flop-or-marvel.html |

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