Hillary in the Raw !
Here is a story hitting the wires that might spawn a mushroon cloud on it's own accord...

DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2005�: "A book battle has broken out on Publisher's Row over the ultimate Hillary-attack!
The project being billed as 'Hillary in the Raw', like you've never seen her before, is set to drop in September by liberal Ed Klein, former NYT MAGAZINE editor, VANITY FAIR, PARADE contributor and author of multiple works on the Kennedys.
'The revelations in it should sink her candidacy,' a source close to Klein warns the DRUDGE REPORT.
Last week, Clinton stalwart Ann Lewis fired off an email to supporters warning of the 'Swift Boat' tactics coming against the former first lady turned senator.
Now the coming sales pitch for ' THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She?ll Go to Become President' reads: 'Just as the swift boat veterans convinced millions of voters that John Kerry lacked the character to be president, Klein?s book will influence everyone who is sizing up the character of Hillary Clinton...
'Despite more than a dozen years in the national spotlight and more than a dozen unauthorized books about her, she has managed to keep many secrets from the public -- especially about her turbulent marriage and its impact on her career. There have been plenty of rumors about what Hillary and Bill Clinton did behind closed doors, but never a definitive book that exposes the truth. Bestselling author Edward Klein draws on rare access to inside sources to reveal what Hillary knew and when she knew it during her years as first lady. Klein?s book, embargoed until publication, will break news about the choices and calculations she has made over the years.'
A fight has developed over the book inside the giant publishing house PENGUIN, sources tell DRUDGE.
A publishing source attending the PENGUIN sales conference last week in Connecticut describes high emotions surrounding the coming publication of 'THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY.'
There has been a bitter and hostile reaction to the book among top PENGUIN editors " - Matt Drudge
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/04/hillary-in-raw.html |

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