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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Japan calls for apology from China over riots

Tension growing between China and Japan -- Like we don't have enough world unrest...
FT.com / World / Asia-Pacific - Japan calls for apology from China over riots: "Tokyo on Sunday demanded that Beijing apologise and offer compensation for damage to its embassy and ambassador's residence after they were stoned on Saturday by anti-Japanese protesters during the biggest demonstrations in the Chinese capital in years.

Protests against recent revisions to a Japanese history textbook and Tokyo's efforts to win a seat on the UN Security Council also took place in southern China on Sunday, where thousands of people encircled a Japanese consulate and shopping centre." More...
So what's the deal here? Are these two getting ready to go at it ??

by ZZ Staff | 4/10/2005 07:32:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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