Japan calls for apology from China over riots
Tension growing between China and Japan -- Like we don't have enough world unrest...

FT.com / World / Asia-Pacific - Japan calls for apology from China over riots: "Tokyo on Sunday demanded that Beijing apologise and offer compensation for damage to its embassy and ambassador's residence after they were stoned on Saturday by anti-Japanese protesters during the biggest demonstrations in the Chinese capital in years.So what's the deal here? Are these two getting ready to go at it ??
Protests against recent revisions to a Japanese history textbook and Tokyo's efforts to win a seat on the UN Security Council also took place in southern China on Sunday, where thousands of people encircled a Japanese consulate and shopping centre." More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/04/japan-calls-for-apology-from-china.html |

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