Israel Gets Bunker Busters
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration has authorized the sale of as many as 100 large bunker-buster bombs to Israel. One expert said the move should serve as a warning to Iranians with nuclear ambitions.
The proposed deal, worth as much as $30 million, would provide Israel with the capability to drop 5,000-pound bombs that can penetrate bunkers and other buried structures. The GBU-28 bombs can be dropped from Israel's American-made F-15 fighters.
The proposed deal, worth as much as $30 million, would provide Israel with the capability to drop 5,000-pound bombs that can penetrate bunkers and other buried structures. The GBU-28 bombs can be dropped from Israel's American-made F-15 fighters.
Comment from lgf: Israel Gets Bunker Busters: "I love the smell of busted bunkers in the morning." - Cato the Elder / LGFAny doubts about the intention of Tehran? Those "nuclear reactors" won't last to power one lightbulb. All 30 targets will be taken out in a matter of hours. Who really believes oil laden Iran really requires a nuclear reactor program to provide energy for it's people?... let's get real.
And now for your daily Random Fatwa, courtesy of "Ask the Imam":
Q. Sheikhs and my fellow students in my school think that having worldy knowledge is Jehad. In the light of Quran and hadith what do you say?
A. Jihaad literally means to sacrifice. Therefore, the Shaykhs opinion only in the literal sense is correct. The reward of that sacrifice depends on the good intention of the seeker of worldly knowledge, for example, contributing to the propagation of Islam. However, Jihaad includes physical and monetary sacrifice against the Kuffaar even to the extent of placing one's life at risk.
Generally, the Qur'aan and Ahaadith refers to the latter understanding of Jihaad.
[ The above quote from Islamic Imam Allah Ta'ala should leave no doubt about the intentions of Islamic Jihaad. ]
Mufti Ebrahim Desai FATWA DEPT.
And there you have it, friends, straight from the imam's mouth: 'Generally, the Koran etc. refers to the latter (i.e. KILLING INFIDELS) understanding of jihad.'
No more lies!" --- Cato the Elder / LGF
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