Outsourcing the President's Daily Briefings
Scott Ott's recent commentary on the White House efforts to close the gap in the President's Daily "intelligence" Briefings (PDBs) drives home the paradox between intelligence gathering and mainstream media reporting. He suggests that perhaps a strategy of outsourcing unbiased intelligence gathering, a clear core competency found only in the world's most esteemed objective media outlets, might be the way to go.
ScrappleFace Satire: President's Daily Brief Outsourced to News Networks: "(2005-04-03) -- After harsh criticism of the President's Daily Brief (PDB) this week by the panel investigating America's WMD intelligence, the White House today announced it would outsource PDB preparation to a coalition of major news organizations, including CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, CBS, ABC and several big-city newspapers.Perhaps a consortium of objective unbiased "intelligence" straight from the editorial desks of the Washington Post and NYT might actually be preferred. The world awaits with baited breath. In particular Iran and North Korea. - ZZB / ZZ News & Satire
The WMD panel's report derided the CIA-compiled PDB for its sensational headlines, lack of context, failure to acknowledge unreliability of sources, lack of dissenting views and an underlying effort to 'sell' the president on a preexisting agenda despite the facts, or lack thereof.
The new daily brief -- dubbed the MSCNABSFOXNYLATWP-PDB -- according to White House spokesman Trent Duffy, will consist of straight factual news, in context, with conjecture and opinion clearly labeled as such and minority opinions granted due weight based on carefully-researched evidence.
'The news networks will bring to the White House a certain humility and objectivity that's lacking in the CIA,' said Mr. Duffy. 'We're going to give the president the same kind of unvarnished truth, in an unbiased package, that American news consumers have enjoyed for years.'" - Scott Ott/ScrappleFace
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/04/outsourcing-presidents-daily-briefings.html |

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