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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Jailbird "Father" Arrested in Slaying of Two Girls

Biological father arested for the alleged killing of his two 8 year old girls in Zion Ill. What kind of animal would do this to an 8 year old let alone his own children!! Breaking News...
(ZION, Ill) - A father who had just been released from prison was arrested and was being charged with murder Tuesday in the Mother's Day stabbings of his 8-year-old daughter and the little girl's best friend, authorities said.

Jerry Hobbs, 34, had led police to the bodies just off a wooded bike path early Monday, claiming he had spotted them while searching for his missing daughter with the girl's grandfather, Arthur Hollabaugh, Hollabaugh told The Associated Press.

Hobbs was questioned through the day by authorities and charged Tuesday in the deaths of Laura Hobbs, 8, and Krystal Tobias, 9.

Both girls had been beaten and stabbed multiple times in the area where they were found and then left to die in the woods, Lake County Coroner Richard Keller said. He said the girls were found side-by-side, facing up and did not appear to have been sexually assaulted.

Lake County State's Attorney Michael Waller said in announcing the charges Tuesday that Hobbs would appear at a bond hearing Wednesday morning." More...

by ZZ Staff | 5/10/2005 06:24:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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