An American Housewife: eBay Toasted !
We have to give a hat tip to the housewife at American Housewife for this interesting find! When eBay first went public I can remember everyone calling it a potentially wonderful online Bazaar... Well the online Bazzar is quickly becoming a Bizzare Bazzar!
Get over to her site and check this out. In fact check out the entire site... it's quite interesting !! -- zzbAn American Housewife: "I have seen it all now. A man draws a sketchy picture of the Georgia run away bride on a piece of Wonder Bread toast and puts it up for auction on eBay. I kid you not.""I just carved it on there real quick and put it on there as a joke," Lonzello told the Daily Record of Parsippany for Friday's newspapers.He put it on eBay as a joke?! I hope the people bidding on this stupid thing are joksters as well.
As of about 5 p.m. Friday, Lonzello's eBay posting had 134,300 visits and 111 bids made on the toast, with a top bid of $15,400. Bidding closes Sunday.
And it's not the only Jennifer Wilbanks related item up for auction either. I swear eBay will do anything for attention. Shame on them. And while I'm at it shame on me for putting this silly entry up. But then again, I don't have 134,300 visitors.
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