Google Exposed as Blatently Biased
It appears that Google wears it's political leanings on it's sleeve. They have been exposed as blatently biased by the organization that took the same ad and changed the targeted name from Tom Delay to Nanci Pelosi and the obvious double standard was revealed. Here is the story from LGF:
(LGF) May 3, 2005 -- conducted an experiment with Google ads; they took one of the anti-Tom DeLay ads that Google runs when you search for “Tom DeLay,” and simply replaced DeLay’s name with Nancy Pelosi’s name. Then paid Google to place their ad—and Google rejected it.Nothing like blatent bias exposed. We wonder how Google will respond to the criticism permeating the blogsphere today? - zzb
But the anti-DeLay advertisement they copied word-for-word is still running.
Could the bias possibly be any more blatant?
(Hat tip: Nekama.)
UPDATE at 5/3/05 8:02:53 am:
Please note: also placed a pro-DeLay ad which is running at Google. The ad Google rejected was a copy of this anti-Delay ad:
The Truth about Tom DeLay
Learn about DeLay’s many scandals
and help us clean up the House! changed the text to:
The Truth about Nancy Pelosi
Learn about Pelosi’s many scandals
and help us clean up the House!
And Google rejected the ad for the following reason:
Google policy does not permit ad text that advocates against an individual, group or organization. -- LGF
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