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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Detainees not Soldiers Flushed Quran

CNN Story... They get this one right unlike Newsweek who's editors have their heads, not the Quran, in the porcelain bowl. Detainees were alegedly trained to set up guards to desecrate the quran knowing it would spark a public outcry in the muslim community. Our media better get it's collective act together and stop aiding and abetting the enemy.
CNN.com - Detainees, not soldiers, flushed Quran - Jun 4, 2005: "The Hood report cited three separate incidents in which detainees tried to flush the Quran down the toilet.

In one incident, on February 23, 2004, the report said a guard saw a 'detainee place two Qurans in his toilet and state he no longer cared about the Quran or his religion.

Five minutes later, after the detainee retrieved the Qurans, he ripped several pages out of one Quran and threw the pages on the floor. Then, he placed both Qurans on the sink.'

Another time, on January 19, 2005, a detainee 'tore up his Quran and tried to flush it down the toilet. Four guards witnessed the incident,' the report said.

The report also cited 12 other incidents by detainees, including one who used his Quran as a pillow, another who urinated on his holy book and several who ripped pages from the Quran." More...

by ZZ Staff | 6/04/2005 02:23:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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