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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cindy Sheehan Satire (posted below this one) -- Strikes a Nerve

I decided to alter this post to make visible some comments I received regarding the satirical posts of Scott Ott on Cindy Sheehan. Rather than comment on the post below, the reader choose to comment on at the original post in this spot, a notice about internet outages! Hmmm

Here is a reprint...

Add to this thread if you like... WE DO LIVE IN A FREE SOCIETY that allows concepts like blogging and freedom of speech. What are the odds that those freedoms will exist in a Radical Islamic Fundamentist dominated world ???

Why am I gracing your blog with a comment to which you will not pay any attention.

On the Sheehan matter, you are an idiot, meanspirited, insensitive, and without that valuable component "COMPASSION" that makes a person human.

Compassion also gives one intelligence and wisdom and a sense of priorities. You show no evidence of any of these qualities.

Lordy! Work on this hard. You need to concentrate really hard on this matter for yourself, if not for everyone else. Just my "humble" opinion.


" you are an idiot, meanspirited, insensitive, and without that valuable component "COMPASSION" that makes a person human. "

Name calling is what I would say demonstrates a true lack of "intelligence".

Scott Ott is entitled to his opinion as you are entitled to yours.

Don't tell me what I need to work hard at. This woman is a disgrace.

I'll tell you who I have compassion for. My sister-in-law who lost her son in Afghanistan searching for that bastard BinLaden who took 3,000 lives at the WTC. Don't preach to me about compassion! I have compassion for all of the mothers and fathers that have lost children in the service ... peactime or wartime.

I have NO compassion for individuals that mock those who are burdened to make the toughest of decisions, and to do so by creating a public political [media] circus spectacle out of a sorrowful private and personal loss.

My compassion is NOT for Cindy Sheehan, you are right, but for those that have fallen in protection of this country. Including her son. - ZZB
If anyone has anything to add to either perspective feel free. However, please don't lower yourselves to childish name-calling and personal attacks. They just become a reflection of your inability to dialog in a meaningful and intelligent way. - ZZB

by ZZ Staff | 8/17/2005 08:46:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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