"The Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll, conducted by phone Sept. 5-6, show that people believe the following on the Aug. 29 disaster. Questions in bold are how they were asked to the population:
Do you think that any of the top officials in the federal agencies responsible for handling emergencies should be fired, or don't you think so?
29% Yes
63% No
Thinking about natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, or fires, do you consider Hurricane Katrina to be the worst natural disaster in the U.S. in your lifetime, or not?
93% Yes
7% No
Do you think New Orleans should -- or should not -- be rebuilt as a major city?
63% Yes, should
34% No, should not
And here it is folks.... the question of the hour!!
Who do you think is MOST responsible for the problems in New Orleans after the hurricane?
13% President Bush
18% Federal agencies (FEMA, DHS)
25% State and local government
38% Nobody
It should be noted that the following were not options in Gallup's poll on who to blame:
* AP Photographers
* The Saints
* Sunspots
* Al Quaeda
Do you think we should run a poll here?
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