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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nude Female Jesus - Brooklyn Museum of Art Still Standing!

"Yo Mama's Last Supper" -- a work of art by Renee Cox created a controversy, even inciting the anger of Mayor Rudi Giuliani back in the winter of 2001. The firestorm did not cause the burning of the U.S. Embassy in Rome or the destruction of the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Are 21st century Christians wimps? Why didn't they call for the death and destruction of all artists and writers in the U.S.? What was wrong with us back in 2001? Prophetic?

One would have at least expected that the Museum might have been burned to the ground by the Knights of Columbus!! Or the Sisters of the Church of "What's Happening Now".

Here is the photo in context with the entire work:

In 1999, the same museum's "Sensation" show featured an elephant dung-embellished Virgin Mary. The mayor froze the museum's annual $7.2 million city subsidy — about a third of its annual budget — then sued in state court to evict the museum. [Later thrown out in court!]

Hey Protestants and Catholics, why did you let civil debate rule the day?? The last we checked New York City Hall was still standing after the hoopla. Not one beheading in protest! Onward Christian Soldiers!! You showed them blaspheming artsty types!

Good thing Christians and Jews don't act like Muslims when it comes to protesting freedom of expression, otherwise there would not be a museum or embassy left standing in the Free World!
What we are witnessing in response to a few over the top editorial cartoons just confirms in the minds of us "infidels" around the globe just what lunatics these Islamo-facisist followers of "One of the World's Great Religions" really are. [Thanks for that quote GW. It makes us cringe everytime we hear it!]

by ZZ Staff | 2/05/2006 06:47:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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