Hamas and Fatah Begin to Kill Each Other
(PALESTINE) "Gunmen linked to the Fatah party of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas have paraded through Gaza City, defying a ban on displays of force.
The Hamas-led government told militant groups to stay off the streets after three died in violence on Friday.
About 300 Fatah gunmen fired into the air and called for new Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh to arrest the leader of a rival group blamed for the fighting.
Friday's fighting began when a car bomb killed a member of the rival group.
The Popular Resistance Committee (PRC) accused Mr Abbas of conspiring with Israel to kill Khalil al-Quqa." More...
Oh... if it could only be this easy. Maybe the world will get lucky and they will both wipe themselves of the "face of the map", to use the words of the dysfunctional Iranian president.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/04/hamas-and-fatah-begin-to-kill-each.html |

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