Cynthia McKinney May Loose Seat
The voters in Georgia's 4th Congressional district may be fed up with the antics of Rep Cynthia McKinney! From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: A new poll by InsiderAdvantage shows Johnson leading McKinney 46 percent to 21 percent, with one-third of voters undecided and the odds are that Johnson may send her packing.
Atlanta Constitution:
Atlanta Constitution:
The day a poll showed her trailing in a 4th Congressional District runoff race, U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney rallied Atlanta ministers, including former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, to her cause.
Young's endorsement Thursday could help in McKinney's uphill battle to keep her office. A close aide to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and an ordained minister, Young also endorsed Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor earlier this year, helping him win the Democratic nomination for governor by appealing to black voters.
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