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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Satire: Bush Finally Speaks Out on Israeli Aggression

Scott Ott over at ScrappleFace points out the sheer idiocy of a unilateral cease fire with Islamo-fascist terror organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas. Expect that Sadaam's chemical weapons, which are more than likely safely tucked away in Syria, will soon make their debut if Hezbollah forces are pushed back or a stray missile finds it's way to Damascus.
by Scott Ott

(2007-07-27) "— In an effort to halt his slide in global popularity polls, an emotional President George Bush today finally spoke out on Israeli aggression in the current battle against Hezbollah along its border with Lebanon.

"“I'’m greatly concerned about Israel'’s aggression,"” said Mr. Bush, "“Every time I see the video on Fox News of Israeli tanks and jets pounding the Hezbollah strongholds I find myself crying out "‘Don'’t stop! don'’t stop!’."

The president said Israel'’s bold action could lead to the "“decimation of a once-proud organization that, along with its brothers in Hamas and al Qaeda, had seemed destined for global greatness."

Mr. Bush called on Israel to "“work rapidly toward a unilateral cease fire in which the weapons of one side cease firing so that the other side can cease firing as well."”

by ZZ Staff | 7/27/2006 06:57:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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