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Saturday, August 19, 2006

France:The Army That Only Goes Where It's Safe

lgf: :

Before committing troops to the Lebanon ceasefire they championed at the United Nations, France wants safety guarantees. True to form... What more can you expect from the nation that taught the world the real meaning of appeasement.

The intial committment was for 15,000 French troops to lead the UN peace keeping force. You may recall France, who makes every effort to appease radical Islam and create the impression that they are in solidarity with hezboulah "anti-zionist" agenda, had brokered the "cease fire".

Despite expectations that France would provide the bulk of a planned 15,000 strong UN force, Paris said Thursday it would send 200 troops to reinforce the UN mission in Lebanon.

While it said France was prepared to command the enlarged force, it also called for safety guarantees for its soldiers before making further commitments.

UPDATE at 8/18/06 10:29:45 am:

Another jawdropper from French defense minister Michele Alliot-Marie:

Alliot-Marie said troop contributions to the expanded UNIFIL force should come from a great number of countries, both in Europe and the Muslim world.

“What we must absolutely avoid is giving the image of a Western world imposing peace on the Muslim world,” she said.

by ZZ Staff | 8/19/2006 02:09:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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