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Friday, September 22, 2006

BaconBlaster - Terrorist Detector and Repellant

We came accross this web site today and we still can't get up off the floor from laughing...

Swinophobia, the fear of pigs, is a mental disorder that most terrorists have. A healthy blast of BaconBlaster will send them into a panic. The fear of being defiled for life will send them running. If you don't feel comfortable producing a large blast, give a discreet puff and display the label. This will still produce results.

BaconBlaster is a fragrant blast of pig fat molecules, bacon scent and water that causes terrorists to seek spiritual counseling, but is completely harmless for the average user and does not stain clothing. BaconBlaster is a convenient 4 oz. aerosol bottle that fits neatly into a purse or pocket.

by ZZ Staff | 9/22/2006 07:49:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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