Real ABC Footage from the Cutting Room Floor?
Check out this footage from the ABC Docu-Drama Path to 9/11 which has been promoted as a docu-drama similar to Oliver Stone's JFK. In all likelyhood this is footage will end up on the cutting room floor. Check for it during the broadcast!!! Then you'll know if we are living in a world of double standards when viewed in contrast to Michael Moore's Farenhight 911 or Oliver Stone's drama, JFK, where fiction and editorial license abounds. What ever happened to the first Amendment rights for all film makers? We guess it only applies to filmakers create their art on the left side of the politcal spectrum.
The Path to 9/11 is guaranteed to be interesting to say the least, if nothing more that to gauge just to what extent freedom of expression is being undermined in MSM and being manipulated by the left. ABC Network never positioned it as a pure fact based documantary, similar to the work of the above mentioned artists.
More... See all 6 edited scenes from the cutting room!!
The Path to 9/11 is guaranteed to be interesting to say the least, if nothing more that to gauge just to what extent freedom of expression is being undermined in MSM and being manipulated by the left. ABC Network never positioned it as a pure fact based documantary, similar to the work of the above mentioned artists.
More... See all 6 edited scenes from the cutting room!!
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