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Saturday, October 28, 2006

When Republicans Become Independents

Years ago there was an old TV cigarette ad, "I'd rather fight than switch!" With one week to go before the 2006 mid term elections, many Republicans are wondering if switching might actually be the right thing to do for their country to send a strong message to the GOP regarding the mindless lemming like behavior that has plagued their party for the past two years! In fact, more and more dyed in the wool "Republicans" we know around the office are beginning to label themselves as "Independents". No one in the good ole U S of A enjoys backing a looser. Right now, no matter which way you slice or dice it, the Iraq quagmire looks like a looser. The one track mind and incomprehensible inflexibility of the President, also looks like a loosing strategy. Pound that square peg into the round hole GW, never admit a mistake let alone change course. We'll show those terrorists! We'll make the Iraqi's love us even if we have to kill every last one of them! Yes... very lemming like.

Who really wants to be associated with a lemming-like political philosophy? Only a few Republicans with only days before the election have made an attempt to think and speak independently and stray from the party line. John McCain at least has the courage to say what he believes in the face of criticism from within his own party. He seems like LESS of a lemming to us and is better for it politically. Joe Lieberman... another "Independent" will probably run away with the Conn. Senate seat. Why? Maybe because he has the courage to speak his own convictions like McCain. Again... less lemming like.

In the end our prediction is the U.S. will "leave" Iraq, maybe even under the Bush administration in time for the 2008 election in a desperate but failed attempt for the Republicans to regain the House and Senate and keep the White House. The Iraqi military will eventually centralize power as the U.S. withdraws and a new low key Sadaam-wanna-be will emerge. Maybe he (and we are sure it will be a HE by the way) will even be backed by the U.S.! Iran and Iraq will go at it again with Iran invading the southern half of Iraq and the oilfields in the south while bolstering it's nuclear ambitions in the region. Shades of Iran contra and Iraqi alliances will emerge. Turkey will help "stablize" the north and provide "protection" to the Kurds. But hey, we will have an "alliance" with "friendly" military bases in Iraq and Turkey. Afterall, why not return to a strategy that has worked well in the past? Divide and conquer. When all this unfolds we can claim victory for our history books, and then proceed to delude ourselves until the next major Islamo-facist attack befalls the West. Then the cycle of fear will repeat itself. Out with the Democrats and in with the Republicans. To be sure without an Independent left to be had.

by ZZ Staff | 10/28/2006 10:05:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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