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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sony PlayStation 3 Sparks Iraq Insurgency

Unconfirmed sources have linked the New Sony Play Station 3 to a surge in deadly violence. From the safety of the Camp David Holiday retreat President George W. Bush blasted Sony for the increasing body count linked to the new Play Station 3's botched holiday launch. The President went of to demand that Sony take responsibility. "The death toll is staggering and the American people are demanding a new policy and new leadership." In a statement released by Sony Japan, the maker of the Plays Station 3, expressed remorse at the tragic lose of human life. "Sony is shocked by the unfolding horrors but we feel the blame lies with George W. Bush and his failed Iraqi war policy. The Sony corporation can not be blamed for the wave of deadly sectarian violence unleashed in Iraq by the Bush administrations misadventure..."

With the situation in Iraq increasing unstable The Bush administration has turned to blaming others for the crisis. According to Juan Cole , noted middle East expert, The Bush administration has blamed Democrats, Iran, Syria, Osama Bin Laden and now the Sony Play station 3. After her middle east trip US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice linked the rise in violence to the launch of the Play Station 3 system. More...

[Satire] HatTip: Powering Satire: Sometimes we have to add this information because believe it or not some folks just can't comprehend the concept of satire. -- ed.

In deference to the deep philosophies presented in the new RFK movie, Bobby, it’s worth taking a look at Bush’s overall guiding philosophy:

Some men see things as they are and ask why?... I see things as they are and ask why not make them more fucked up? -- Dubbya

by ZZ Staff | 11/26/2006 01:01:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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