Hillary and Obama Remember Selma
Neither one of these two have any idea what life was like for blacks in the deep south during the Civil Right's Movement. They were both born with silver spoons in their mouths. A far cry from Dr. King to be sure...(2007-03-05) — During yesterday's commemoration
Sen. Obama, D-IL, born of a white mother and black father but running as a black candidate, noted that the Civil Rights movement has made so much progress since the Selma march, that “it's moving into phase two.”
of the 42nd anniversary of the Bloody Sunday voting rights march through Selma, Alabama, Sen. Hillary Clinton and presidential rival Sen. Barack Obama each told the congregation of an African-American church that they represented the fulfillment of Dr. Martin Luther King's prophetic “I Have a Dream” speech.“Two score and two years ago,” Sen. Obama said, “our fathers and mothers were beaten on a bridge here in Selma so that we might be free at last to judge a political candidate not just by the content of his character, but also by the color of his skin and even by which restroom he uses.”
Sen. Clinton, who, unlike Sen. Obama, is running for president as a woman, said that when she looked out over the congregation of African-Americans she gave “thanks to God that the civil rights movement has knocked down the racial barriers that divide people from each other.”
“Dr. King dreamed that black people and white people would be able to join hands,” said Sen. Clinton, “and that's why Bill and I came here today; so that you would have some white people with whom to do that. Today this dream is fulfilled in your midst.”
Meanwhile, Sen. Obama noted that he doesn't have to come to Selma to fulfill that dream.“Thanks to my parentage,” he said, “All I have to do is clasp my hands in prayer.” -- as reported by Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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