McCain Makes Top Ten List on Letterman
(2007-03-01) — Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, who used an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman to announce he's running for president, tonight plans to release his Top Ten list of why Republicans should nominate him to head the 2008 GOP ticket.
The edgy septuagenarian maverick plans to make a formal announcement in April, after completing a round of appearances on the other respected political news programs — The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Tonight Show, The Late Late Show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Saturday Night Live and Larry King Live.
Mr. Letterman plans to read the list, prepared by the McCain campaign, on tonight’s show:
Top Ten Reasons to Nominate John McCain for President in 2008
10. Years as POW in solitary prepared him for isolation in White House “bubble”
9. Won’t accept presidential paycheck, since at 72 he can live off Social Security
8. More exciting presidential news conferences as reporters vie to light his fuse
7. To beat him, the libs will have to get through his Gang of 14
6. Unlike senators, presidents have term limits.
5. He has a lock on the black vote because his middle name is Sidney, like Poitier.
4. Won’t surrender to anyone, since war injury prevents raising hands above head
3. No longer despises “agents of intolerance” on whacko religious right
2. Definition of “surge” starts with 200,000 new boots, and Al Sadr dangling from rope
1. Not beholden to the Republican Party and other “special interest” groups
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