Ouchie Outs Walter Reed
<-- Watch our friend Ouchie condemn officials at Walter Reed's Outpatient Clinic in this animated satirical cartoon by Mark Fiore It may be satire... but it's not far from the truth.
The conditions at Reed are deplorable and no one should make any excuses just because it was an Outpatient Clinic either. That this administration does not hide it's head in shame is in itself deplorable for allowing this to happen on their watch. The Generals in charge should get the axe and thensent to Reed for a few years to get treated for their mental illness...
The conditions at Reed are deplorable and no one should make any excuses just because it was an Outpatient Clinic either. That this administration does not hide it's head in shame is in itself deplorable for allowing this to happen on their watch. The Generals in charge should get the axe and thensent to Reed for a few years to get treated for their mental illness...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/03/ouchie-outs-walter-reed.html |

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