Reid: Bush Must Halt Slaying of Terrorist Leaders
ScrappleFace » Reid: Bush Must Halt Slaying of Terrorist Leaders:
The strategy of appeasement is alive and well in the U.S. Congress. This nation must stop confusing the action in Iraq as "the" war on terrorism. First of all the action in Iraq should be viewed as a tactic in the War on Global Jihad. Terrorism is but a military tactic of the jihadists no different than the tactic of carpet bombing used by a better equipped military adversary. We are no more at war with "terror" than we would be at war with "aerial bombing". What we should be asking loudly to the all of the Presidential candidates is, "what is your position on making Americans safe against the desires of Islamic Jihadists who have already declared war on our way of life long before 9/11. Terrorism is but one of their tactics. The Iraq action (not war) may be a flawed tactic in what should now perhaps be re-defined (by one party or the other) as a Global War against Islamic Jihadists. The U.S. is NOT at war with Iraq the nation so I wish the media would stop referring to it as the Iraqi War.
We need to understand both Democrat and Republican points of view on this reality before Nov 2008. We are (or at least should be) at War with Global Jihadists and seek a united international front on that point. We need to focus on the enemies beliefs and what they are preaching and how it is inconsistent with our western morals and ethics. "What will you do to prevent the spread of Islamic Jihadist teachings within the U.S.?" would be a fair question to ask any candidate during a live TV debate. Especially with the leakage in our porous borders at the present time. "Do you believe that war was declared on us long before 9/11 by radical Islam and what steps are you willing to take to prevent it from spreading into this country as an ideology under the guise of free speech?? -- zz
(Satire) — As unconfirmed news broke that the chief of al-Qaeda in Iraq may have been killed in a battle with a rival terror group, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called on President George Bush to step in and halt the slaying of terror leaders.
“It’s a known fact that every time a terror leader is killed, another rises to take his place,” said Sen. Reid. “Therefore, the only way to stop the spawning of new terror leaders is to halt the slaying of the current ones.”
The Nevada Democrat said Mr. Bush should petition the United Nations to send in an unarmed peacekeeping force to protect the known terror leaders from accidental or intentional execution by Iraqi and U.S. forces, as well as by their own colleagues in the terror industry.
“If these guys keep getting knocked off,” Sen. Reid said, “how will we ever build relationships that lead to negotiations and peace treaties? The longer a terror leader stays at the helm, the more we can get to know him. When Democrats talk about bringing stability to the region, this is what we mean.”" -- as reported by Scott Ott /ScrappleFace
The strategy of appeasement is alive and well in the U.S. Congress. This nation must stop confusing the action in Iraq as "the" war on terrorism. First of all the action in Iraq should be viewed as a tactic in the War on Global Jihad. Terrorism is but a military tactic of the jihadists no different than the tactic of carpet bombing used by a better equipped military adversary. We are no more at war with "terror" than we would be at war with "aerial bombing". What we should be asking loudly to the all of the Presidential candidates is, "what is your position on making Americans safe against the desires of Islamic Jihadists who have already declared war on our way of life long before 9/11. Terrorism is but one of their tactics. The Iraq action (not war) may be a flawed tactic in what should now perhaps be re-defined (by one party or the other) as a Global War against Islamic Jihadists. The U.S. is NOT at war with Iraq the nation so I wish the media would stop referring to it as the Iraqi War.
We need to understand both Democrat and Republican points of view on this reality before Nov 2008. We are (or at least should be) at War with Global Jihadists and seek a united international front on that point. We need to focus on the enemies beliefs and what they are preaching and how it is inconsistent with our western morals and ethics. "What will you do to prevent the spread of Islamic Jihadist teachings within the U.S.?" would be a fair question to ask any candidate during a live TV debate. Especially with the leakage in our porous borders at the present time. "Do you believe that war was declared on us long before 9/11 by radical Islam and what steps are you willing to take to prevent it from spreading into this country as an ideology under the guise of free speech?? -- zz
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