Murtha Takes Over For Cindy Sheehan as Moonbat of the Year

John Murtha
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, HOST: I want to get back to my first question, but let me pick up on something you said just there. You believe that these homegrown terrorist plots are being inspired by the U.S. work in Iraq right now?Here is another article referencing this most predictable response from the White House salivating Democrats on the successful disruption of this terrorist plot. Motto in Democratic politics: Never give ANY credit to the existing administration for anything, especially Homeland Security successes! Is there any doubt, should there be another tragic attack, what their now very well scripted response will be?
JOHN MURTHA, CONGRESSMAN: Absolutely. George, they were inspired by them all over the world. Our presence in Iraq, our occupation in Iraq, gives these people the inspiration. Now, we didn’t have this problem before, they came from Afghanistan. But, now we even have it in the United States. So, I’m absolutely convinced that this is the kind of thing that inspires these people.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But we did have 9/11 before we went into Iraq.
MURTHA: Yeah, we had 9/11, but that came from Afghanistan. There was no, there was no al Qaeda in Iraq. We don’t even know how many al Qaeda are in Iraq right now. For instance, we think a couple of thousand. They’ll take care of al Qaeda. They’ll get rid of al Qaeda. Our presence is inspiring them to recruit people all over the world. This is the problem we have.
Here are a few facts that John Murtha seems to forget...
Never mind that FBI wiretaps caught Russell Defreitas, the lead suspect, complaining about Israel’s war with Hezbollah, not Iraq. Never mind that Gadahn went out of his way in his latest tape to deny that the war in Iraq plays any central role in jihadist grievances (”[L]et us be clear. A pull-out from Iraq alone in the absence of compliance with the remainder of our legitimate demands will get you nowhere and will not save you from our strikes.”). And never mind that the 9/11 plot which Murtha claims came “from Afghanistan” didn’t involve any actual people who were, you know, from Afghanistan.What ever happened to American solidarity, unity of purpose and resolve which made this country great? Is getting into the White House worth the price of aiding and abetting your enemies?? Thanks to our leaders, Democrats fighting and bickering with the Republicans and visa versa, the enemy has now stepped up it's bloodshed this week because they are smelling victory with the assistance of the likes of you John Murtha and others calling for an immediate pullout. It will get worse not better from the pull out talk. They are counting on YOUR assistance John Murtha, and others like you, to influence the will of the American people to their advantage. They are betting on, and exploiting, every weakness of our two party system. Internal dissent, political infighting before, during, and after campaign season, and the incessant media coverage all the negativity is given.
--- [Hat Tip: News Busters]
It won't make a difference if we left Iraq tomorrow. They hate us, the way we live and they want us dead or converted to their hateful anti-Semetic, anti-Christian religion. Their biggest prize is causing death and destruction right here in the U.S. America is still waiting to hear what the OFFENSIVE plan will be against the world wide jihadist movement after we leave Iraq. Regardless of which party is in the White House. Will we be pulling out of Afghanistan next? Or are we to really believe, like John Murtha, that if only we would just leave and lick our wounds, and make nice like Jimmy Carter did back in the 70's, that all will be well again. We want UNITED LEADERSHIP not political rhetoric and infighting.
The blood of these troops this week are now also on YOUR HANDS oh fearless leaders of the belt way..... Republican and Democrat alike. Why? Because you guys can't get your act together except for tripping over each other to see who will get the next brass ring to the Oval Office. You sicken all of us...
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