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Monday, May 28, 2007

Grave Indifference in Iraq and Washington

The U.S. met with of all people, the Iranians, to discuss withdrawal terms from Iraq?? Does this administration really believe that the Iranians can be trusted with assisting in the democratization of Republic of Iraq?? What planet are they on? There must be something more to this story which will surface before the week is over. A warning to Iran? Perhaps they have worked out a deal? Iran gets Southern Iraq, Basra and the U.S. gets to unplug the centrifuges enriching uranium and go home? Fat chance...

It's bad enough that the Bush Administration actually thinks talking with Iran is going to stop them from killing even more of our troops in Iraq. Worse still, these talks officially end our diplomatic isolation of Iran since 1979 when the Iranians took Americans hostage. But it is flat out obscene that the talks were held on Memorial Day. There are Americans at gravesides today mourning loved ones who were cut down by Iranian-backed militias... --- [Hat Tip: C&F]

by ZZ Staff | 5/28/2007 11:06:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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