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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Obama Health Care Plan Unveiled

Is he a new black Robin Hood? Superhero Barack Obama has recently come out in favor of a new health care plan for the welfare state in the U.S. that will surely continue to mushroom under the watchful eye of the Pelosi - Reid lead Democratic Congress. Scott Ott takes aim on the presidential candidate's cost neutral plan that sounds awfully like "take from the rich and give to the poor". Nothing like promises of handouts to buy votes from the underprivileged. Hillary, come on, you can surely out do Barack! After all aren't you an old hand at putting together Health Care Reform Plans under your hubby's previous administration? Hillary!! Time to fight back!! You're losing!

(Satire) — Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL, unveiled a universal health care plan yesterday, which would boost taxes on the rich to fund care for the poor and would mandate involuntary organ donations from healthy, wealthy Americans to their ailing, impoverished counterparts.

“Taking money from the wealthy to fund care for the rest of us is no real sacrifice,” said Sen. Obama. “The rich know how to make money and they’ll just go out and get some more. In Obama’s America, if the lower middle class suffers, the upper class should feel their pain. That’s the philosophy behind my health plan, and in fact, it is the ideology upon which this great Democrat party stands.”

Mr. Obama said that during his first term in the White House he would institute a lottery system for transferring the well-maintained lungs, kidneys, livers, spleens and “other giblets,” from well-to-do citizens to the bodies of “the people who need them, and in fact deserve them, the most by virtue of their inadequate income production.”

At the same time, Congress would establish the Obama Universal Care Health Initiative Endowment to fund development of artificial, mechanical organs that the federal government would then sell at a premium to the rich as replacement parts for the natural organs they gave to the poor.

The Illinois senator said his health care proposal is “revenue neutral” because once it’s implemented, “that will be the best gear to describe the pace of U.S. economic growth.” --- [Hat Tip: as reported by satirist Scott Ott/ScrappleFace]

by ZZ Staff | 5/30/2007 07:45:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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