Ted Rall Depraved Cartoonist Now Syndicates for Al Qaeda
There are times when the 1st Amendment really takes a beating. Well this is one of those times.
We have published our fair share of controversial political cartoons on this site since 2003 but the strip published today by Ted Rall has really crossed the line from typical left wing extremism to total depravity.
There is indeed a 1st Amendment that thankfully protects our right to free speech. That is a right that has been established by the blood of brave men and women who fought and died for that belief. The beautiful thing about the 1st Amendment, it allows individuals to express themselves so that others can hear, see and understand that individual's true inner self and belief...
I give you Ted Rall's true inner self....

While we certainly are not in favor of censorship, (Universal Press should make that call), we however feel obligated to take a dump on Ted's work here at ZZ N&S as part of OUR constitutional 1st Amendment rights.
The staff at ZZ N&S thank the Men and Women of the Armed Forces for ensuring that those rights are not trampled on by those bomb vest strapping Neanderthals that would have us living back in the Dark Ages while bowing to Mecca!!
The following snapshot is courtesy of a comment on LGF. We suspect this was a snapshot of Ted incognito on his way to SFO to catch that plane flight to Pakistan.

--- [Hat Tip: Allah al Fubar]
We have published our fair share of controversial political cartoons on this site since 2003 but the strip published today by Ted Rall has really crossed the line from typical left wing extremism to total depravity.
One has to ask what type of brain tumor Ted Rall has lodged in his cerebellum to come up with such a distasteful cartoon strip and point of view and still remain a contributing artist for Universal Press Syndicate? In one fell swoop he has managed to denigrate every soldier that has ever given up his life or limbs for this country, insulted their families, and mocked the very idea of personal sacrifice for the greater good.
Now one might think that Mr. Rall is a pretty brave person. So brave in fact that we are sure he is prepared to take up a request for him to do a poster presentation of his fine artwork to the troops over at Ft. Bragg. After all, you can tell by his strip that he truly has the best intentions and wants to help educate the poor mis-informed and mis-guided military and help them see and experience his path of enlightenment.
Alas however it is rumored that Ted Rall may instead actually be on his way to the mountains of Pakistan to seek out his true followers, advisers and coaches who will surely appreciate his efforts at enlightening both the American military and the general public with his "hard hitting" points of view. We suspect that his cartoons will now not only be syndicated directly from his new homeland, but will also have a direct feed right into Aljazeera. --- staff satire ZZ N&S
There is indeed a 1st Amendment that thankfully protects our right to free speech. That is a right that has been established by the blood of brave men and women who fought and died for that belief. The beautiful thing about the 1st Amendment, it allows individuals to express themselves so that others can hear, see and understand that individual's true inner self and belief...
I give you Ted Rall's true inner self....

While we certainly are not in favor of censorship, (Universal Press should make that call), we however feel obligated to take a dump on Ted's work here at ZZ N&S as part of OUR constitutional 1st Amendment rights.
The staff at ZZ N&S thank the Men and Women of the Armed Forces for ensuring that those rights are not trampled on by those bomb vest strapping Neanderthals that would have us living back in the Dark Ages while bowing to Mecca!!
The following snapshot is courtesy of a comment on LGF. We suspect this was a snapshot of Ted incognito on his way to SFO to catch that plane flight to Pakistan.

--- [Hat Tip: Allah al Fubar]
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/07/ted-rall-depraved-cartoonist-now.html |

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