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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hillary and Obama Duke It Out

From Cox and Forkum:
The sparring began Monday at the CNN/YouTube debate, in which a viewer asked candidates if they would be willing to meet with leaders of Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea -- whom the United States has called rogue leaders. ...

Charles Kupchan with the Council on Foreign Relations said that Obama and Clinton were essentially saying the same thing, which is that dialogue is important. ...

He noted that although the Bush administration took office vowing not to talk to North Korea or Iran, it reached a deal on North Korea's nuclear program through negotiations and now is sitting down with Iran to talk about the violence in Iraq.

"At the end of the day, history suggests that only if we talk to our adversaries do we resolve disputes," Kupchan said.

Actually, history suggests that we resolve disputes with adversaries only if we defeat them first (e.g., WWII), after all we're talking about adversaries who openly advocate our demise. However, it is worth pointing out that Bush, Clinton, and Obama are all ultimately willing to talk to such adversaries as if they are rational, which is not rational.
It's quite apparent that Barack Obama's naivety and inexperiance caused him to step right into the trap laid by the caller. Say what you will about the You Tube approach of asking candidates direct questions, but this one really did uncover a high degree of immaturity in Barack Obama's response that Hillary Clinton is milking till the very last drop.

Round II ??

--- [Hat Tip: C&F]

by ZZ Staff | 7/26/2007 09:47:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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