Barack Obama Schedules Summit with Satan
Wondering if Barack Obama spoke without thinking during the last debate when he claimed he was willing to speak unconditionally with some of Americas most staunch hate mongers? Well, Hillary is all over him and like a cobra ready to seize its opportunity to strike, she is spitting right in his eye. You gotta love politics like this... Scott Ott today rips both of them in his latest satirical piece:
(2007-07-25) — Building on his debate remark that, as president, Barack Obama would meet face-to-face with the leaders of China, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Venezuela, the Illinois Democrat Senator today said that he also plans to solve “perhaps the world’s greatest problem” through executive-level bilateral talks with the Prince of Darkness, Satan.
“As I see it, you can’t have lasting peace without Satan’s cooperation,” said Mr. Obama. “We can’t keep following the failed Bush administration strategy of only talking with our allies. I’m willing to invest the time to find out if we have something the Devil wants that could bring an end to war and strife.”
Rival candidate, Sen. Hillary Clinton, immediately branded the comment as naive, and “symptomatic of Barack’s lack of experience in the realm of politics.” --- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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