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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

U.S. May Deem Iranian Rep. Guard Terrorist and the Earth Round

(WASHINGTON) — Officials in the U.S. State Department are reportedly close to labeling Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a “terrorist” organization. At the same time, sources also indicate that the State Department may soon label the Earth “round”.

“The Earth has all the hallmarks of a round or spherical object,” said one unnamed official at State. “The in-house debate is still vigorous and ongoing, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that we could come out with a definitive statement about the shape of our planet within the next year or so.”

Meanwhile, many in the State Department are still reluctant to use the “terrorist” label for an organization that equips, funds, and trains people to commit acts of terror against civilians and U.S. troops in Iraq because it could have “a chilling effect” on efforts to get Iran to halt its clandestine nuclear weapons program.

“The last thing in the world we want to do,” said one official, “is to offend people who are secretly plotting to destroy us.” --- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace

Iran's Natanz nuclear complex is about
300 kilometers south of Tehran
ROTFL.... The very idea that there is a debate going on in Washington about labeling the Iranian Republic Guard a terrorist organization in order to put additional financial pressure on that organization in retaliation for contributing to the killing of American service personnel demonstrates how dysfunctional our political leaders in Congress have become. Iranian Republican Guard involved in terrorism activity? Does a bear shit in the woods?

Scott Ott, satirical author, hits the nail on the head with respect to the total insanity that is now transpiring in the Middle East. Remember folks, the centrifuges are spinning in Natanz, Iran as you read this while the Iranian president is laughing his ass off. Freezing Republican Guard assets by officially classifying them as a "terrorist" organization should make sense to Republican and Democrat alike. But not in an election year. Expect to hear from Mama Moonbat Sheehan and the other crazies that we should not even consider such an action lest we anger Islamic sensitivities!!

by ZZ Staff | 8/15/2007 08:07:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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