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Saturday, February 14, 2004

A Big Yankee Kiss for Valentine's Day ?

- cite baseball.com / comments By Zardoz Z. Bachman

Not sure how many of you are sports fans, however there is a rumor in the New York Area that the NY Yankees, Alex Rodriquez and the Rangers are in serious discussions in the countdown to the 2004 season ! It would represent quite a bit of upheaval in their infield, but the third base spot is open since Aaron Boone injured himself in a game of pick up basketball. He damaged his ACL and is probably out for the upcoming season.

The big kiss will more than likely go to the Yankee second baseman, Alfonso Sorriano, who, if the rumors have any degree of credibility, would be given a big kiss good bye in the trade. How real or fabricated this may be is uncertain. Not too many wire services are carrying it without further conformation. In the meantime, the NY fans will have something to digest other than chocolate candies this Valentine's Day.

Oh... and P.S. A big kiss for all of you as well !


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