Will we see a new alliance formed between US / NATO and Russia to drive premptive strikes against terrorist camps? The answer may be yes if one Russian General has his way. With Russian citizens furious at muslim radical terrorism taking the lives of hundreds of innocent Russian children, their military leadership is calling for swift action not unlike that take by the US after 911.
Russia Threatens to Strike Terror Bases: "Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the general staff of Russia's armed forces, asserted Russia's right to strike terrorists beyond its borders.
'As for carrying out preventive strikes against terrorist bases ... we will take all measures to liquidate terrorist bases in any region of the world,' he told reporters.
Baluyevsky made his comments alongside NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, Gen. James Jones, [right] after talks on Russia-NATO military cooperation, including anti-terror efforts." More... (AP News)
What a negative turn of events it would be for John Kerry if Russia came out in support of George Bush's pre-emptive doctrine! It would be close to public vindication on his decision to strike first against terrorist bases, and those regimes who are aiding and abetting terrorism activities ! Iranian and Syrian leadership better take heed as it might be wise to take a lesson from Omar Kadafi. Of course this statement may be mostly rhetoric to appease the Russian population, but I suspect more Russians now may be sympathetic President Bush's decisive action and will now want and expect the same from President Putin. At least there's one General in the Russian Military that certainly feels that way ! - zzb
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