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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Serena robbed? Capriati wins controversial match

ESPN.com - TENNIS/USOPEN04 - Serena robbed? Capriati wins controversial match: "It happened in the opening game of the third set between Williams and Jennifer Capriati, who went on to win their Open quarterfinal 2-6, 6-4, 6-4 Tuesday night.

The match was tight and testy, the way it almost always has been during the 17 matches between the two: contested calls, spiked rackets, a bit of gamesmanship and strokes pounded with power. A lot of power.

Capriati played superbly, without a doubt, but what always will be remembered is the miscue by chair umpire Mariana Alves of Portugal. She gave a point to Capriati at deuce to start the final set after Williams hit a backhand that clearly landed in -- and was ruled good by the line judge. Alves overruled the call, even though television replays showed the ball landed inside the land." ESPN / US OPEN

I am sure we won't hear the end of this ! The umpire should be held accountable, and as for Serina, she should stick to tennis and hang up the tennis court formal wear dress design career. Maybe she would have had more of a decisive lead is she were more focused on tennis instead of making a fashion statement.

by ZZ Staff | 9/08/2004 12:20:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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